Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How to make a Video Tutorial

There have been some updates, please read this post if you want to make a video tutorial based on this tutorial.

This is what will probably remain the masterpiece of my movie directing career. It's not perfect, but you can hardly imagine how pissed i was after messing up the 5th take of making two video tutorials at once, so there are a few akward silences and stuff.

Addition: stage6 has gone offline. You can use the similar service vreel.net instead.

DivX Stuff
Winamp (recommended: last unbloated release)
Stage6 (dead)

Howto use the S-Key as a Slice-Tool

This is the Video Tutorial i made during my Tutorial on howto make a Video Tutorial.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

stage6 won

the highdef-video service brought to you by the divx-developers has met all our technical requirements: small-sizedly embedable, full-screenable, high resolution, good quality, small filesize.
the only downside: it requires the divx webplayer.

i'll make a video on how this could work.

if you have any better ideas, you know where i stroll :D